Our Corporate Sponsors:

These manufacturers and dealers are supporting us.
They have invested time, money and materials to make this DXpediion possible.
Please tell them “Thank you,” and support them with your business.
They have supported us. Please support them.



FlexRadio Systems is providing a full line of radios to support the Bouvet DXpedition team. This new, ground-breaking technology sets a new standard for DXpeditions. Unsurpassed receive ability and flexibility will enable the Bouvet DXpedition team to maximize their effectiveness, even in challenging conditions and decreasing sunspots.

Eight FLEX-6500 Signature Series transceivers will be the cornerstone of the Bouvet Island DXpedition.

The Maestro will be an amazing, new interface between our DXpedition team members and the pileup. We will be able to visualize a signal and immediately snap to it. There will be no time wasted tuning, catching a partial call or waiting for a repeat. We’ll work a station and be able to immediately move to another caller. Maestro will enable us to visually “see” the pileup and maximize rate. QRM will be visualized and enable us to act, accordingly. Adding to that, Maestro is intuitive, and will save us precious desktop space. We are excited and thrilled to be using FlexRadio products on this DXpedition.

Coax, connectors, support rope, antennas and hardware and much, much more. DX Engineering has again stepped up to the plate to make this DXpedition possible. When you order from DX Engineering, tell them:


We have used Spiderbeam fiberglass support poles on multiple past DXpeditions. They have supported vertical wires for single-element verticals and phased arrays, as well as inverted Vs and inverted Ls. The ease of erection and guying of Spiderbeam poles, plus their strength and dependability, make them ideal support poles for fixed, portable and DXpedition use.

Rig Expert Antenna Analyzers

Having well matched, efficient antennas on a DXpedition like 3Y0Z is critical. Another DXpedition to Bouvet may not occur for many years, so we need to optimize everything, especially our antennas, so you have the best possible chance of working Bouvet. Our Rig Expert Antenna Analyzers will help us achieve the best possible antenna systems.

DX Supply - Scandinavia's Leader

DX Supply supported our teams for Amsterdam Island and Navassa. We again welcome their support for the Bouvet Island DXpedition. Look to DX Supply for all your Scandinavian DX’ing needs.


Low Band Systems offers quality products for the low bands; including switches, filters, preamps, splitters and combiners, plexers, remotes, and more.