July 30, 2017
As in any group, the moral compass, accountability, and integrity of amateur radio operators covers a wide spectrum. The best of these character qualities in the ham radio community came to light last week.
FlexRadio Systems and Ranko Boka, 4O3A, of SKY SAT wanted to be absolutely positive that they would in no way compromise the success of the Bouvet Island DXpedition. They looked at this DXpedition as a once in a lifetime experience for many DX’ers and put the success of 3Y0Z above personal gain, competition, and acclaim.
FlexRadio Systems and SKY SAT were concerned that: a.) Parts availability for production of the FlexRadio amplifiers may be a problem. b.) Sending a total of 14 amplifiers to Bouvet would cut into inventory they had promised to their customers. c.) Meeting our shipping date might compromise their testing and quality control.
We will take several new FlexRadio Power Genius XL amplifiers to Bouvet. However, FlexRadio and Ranko reached out personally to ACOM to assist in supporting 3Y0Z. On short notice, and within 24 hours, ACOM agreed to help make the Bouvet DXpedition the best that it can be and agreed to provide 12 ACOM 1500 amplifiers.
ACOM, FlexRadio Systems, and SKY SAT/4O3A put aside personal gain and competition and worked together to help the Bouvet Island DXpedition be a better experience for you the DX’ers. These are truly quality people.
Ralph Fedor – K0IR
Bouvet Island DXpedition Co-Leader