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3YØZ Band Plan

1601.826.5 MHz1.835 MHz
803.523 MHz3.785 Mhz3.580 MHz3.570 MHz
60 **5.400 MHz **5.400 MHz **5.357 MHz **
407.023 MHz7.082 MHz7.045 MHz7.071 MHz
3010.108 Mhz10.142 MHz10.133 MHz
2014.023 MHz14.185 MHz14.080 MHz14.067 MHz
1718.079 MHz18.130 MHz18.099 MHz18.095 MHz
1521.023 MHz21.285 MHz21.080 MHz21.067 MHz
1224.894 MHz24.955 MHz24.912MHz24.912 MHz
1028.023 MHz28.485 MHz28.080 MHz28.067 MHz
6 50.190 MHz (EME)50.316 MHz
2 144.144 MHz (EME)

*  These are our FT8 TRANSMIT frequencies.  We will operate in the normal split fashion common on FT8.  We will transmit low in the passband (200 - 400 Hz) and listen up.  DO NOT TRANSMIT ON OUR TRANSMIT FREQUENCY; we will not listen there.  Set your transmit frequency higher in the passband.  Be certain your TX and RX frequencies are not locked together  Click <HERE>  to view ZL2IFB’s Tips for FT8 DXers.

**  We will follow Norway’s 60 meter frequency allocation plan.  Our transmit frequency will be 5.400 MHz for CW and SSB , operating true SPLIT.  Our FT8 transmit frequency will be 5.357 MHz.

We may adjust our transmit or receive frequencies, depending on conditions or interference.

Ten Steps on How to Work 3YØZ (Bouvet) With FT8

Due to the relative newness of this mode, there is a need for operators to understand how to operate FT8 correctly and maximize their chances of getting into the 3YØZ log.

FT8 will not be a “primary” mode.   We will use this mode when the band dies, or before it opens.   If a band appears dead, watch for us on the FT8 transmit frequencies listed above.  3YØZ operations on FT8 will not use “normal” FT8 sequencing (read below).   Using and understanding the following guidelines will maximize your success in making an FT8 (digital) contact with 3YØZ Bouvet.

  1. First, your computer clock needs to be ACCURATE. Do not assume it is. An accurate time synch is mandatory for proper decoding and sequencing; gives instructions on how to do this.
  1. Download and install WSJT-X (Version 1.8.0-rc3 or newer) from
  1. Read the the FT8 Help files. ZL2IFB’s is also extremely helpful.

4.  We will NOT be using the normal FT8 band segments.  To avoid QRMing normal FT8 activities, we will conduct our DXpedition FT8 activities just below the normal PSK segments (except on 6 meters).  See our band plan above.

5.  Do not transmit on our transmit frequency.  Select a clear spot on the waterfall in the Wide Graph, do a <Shift, Left Click> on that clear spot to set your transmit frequency, and call us there.  Check the box labeled “Hold Tx Freq” to keep your transmit frequency locked.  We will not respond to callers on our transmit frequency.

6.  Our transmit frequency may move around low in the passband, but that is OK.  FT8 will decode the entire passband, and you will decode us wherever we transmit in that passband segment.  Our moving around will also help deter DQRM.

7.  FT8 is a low power, weak signal mode.  High power and/or “heavy” audio processing will only hinder your ability to make a contact.

8.  DO NOT SEND US GRID SQUARE INFORMATION.  Before calling us, double click on “Tx 1” in the “Now” column of the “Generate Std Msgs” window.  This will toggle off the Tx1 message, so that your calls to 3YØZ automatically include only a signal report, and the QSO sequence will be as indicated below.  Remember, DO NOT CALL US WITH A GRID SQUARE.  We only want to exchange signal reports in order to maximize the number of QSOs per hour.  We will not respond to calls containing grid squares.

9.  A typical exchange between KL7YL and 3YØZ will look like:

a.)  Bouvet:  K1ABC 3YØZ 73   (finishing a preceding contact)
b.)  Vivien calls:  3YØZ KL7YL -06
c.)  Bouvet answers with:   KL7YL 3YØZ R-02
d.)  Vivien answers with:  3YØZ KL7YL RR73
e.)  Bouvet answers:    KL7YL 3YØZ 73
f.)  The QSO is now complete and KL7YL is in the log.  This took only one minute (four 15-second sequences) for a complete contact.


If you see 3YØZ return to someone else, stop transmitting by clicking the “Halt Tx” button on the FT8 control panel.  Continuing to transmit during a QSO will NOT increase your chances of making a contact.  Immediately after seeing 3YØZ transmit a “73” to another station, click on the “Enable Tx” button to begin transmitting a signal report to 3YØZ.

Repeat until you are called by 3YØZ.